Friday, 30 March 2012

Auctioning a promise

Says Alice is based in a suburb of Norwich, which is fortunate to have a great local school. They do wonderful community things throughout the year that Says Alice (and Mr Says Alice) have been known to take part in.

The best for us has been the Garage Sale, in which the good people of Cringleford set up tables on their lawns and the school sells a map of which houses are taking part. This has proved an excellent source of the most random items, including hula-hoops, brass coal scuttles and fuzzy felt, with particularly good bargains from the big houses at the end of the road!
It is also an annual battle to avoid coming home with even more sewing machines: £5 for a Bernina? It would be rude to leave it...

Says Alice, as a result, is very pleased to offer a little something to the latest fundraising effort:
an Auction of Promises.

I have said I'll be very happy to make something that might look a bit like this... something a bit like this...

Let's hope someone bids!

There are lots of lovely things that have already been pledged and you can leave written bids. Have a look here:

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Playing with ideas

Thank goodness the sun has returned to Norfolk today.
Photography was a disaster yesterday!
By far the most common order I get is personalised bunting, which is also one of my favourites as I can check I am getting it exactly right for the little person involved. With the ones I hold as stock, like the fairies or pirates or jubilee colours, I make something that I love and hope that everyone else does too. I also hardly speak to the people involved: an order arrives and I pop it into the post asap.

Maybe it is because sewing is a largely solitary pursuit but I love the little bursts of conversation that come with getting a personalised order just right. Choosing the right fabric combinations and making sure the letters stand out without being too dominant.

It makes it all a little bit more sociable which adds to the fun. And I like things to be fun :-)